I admit to having gone sporadic with my blog posts. I realized last year that committing to writing every week made blogging a chore, not something I enjoyed doing. So I promised myself as 2019 closed and 2020 began that I would create a flow to my blog that made sense for me and, more importantly, made it fun again.

Sufficied to say I have not yet succeeded in this endeavor!

I won’t bore you dear reader with excuses. Instead I’ll say that in January and February I had two separate (and non-serious) medical procedures done, as well as just trying to climb my way out of some weird, existential, mid-life crises type thing.

It’s a lot. And blogging/writing seemed like yet another thing I didn’t want to have to do.

What’s annoying more than anything is that I can’t just sit around and write whatever I want all day long – where’s my bazillion, trazillion dollars so that I can have the life I want???

Being a freelance anything isn’t easy. Realizing that you’re not 100% sure you are A) any good at it and B) even like it make things decidely more challenging.

Author JL Metcalf at work, and enjoing herself!

Image Credit: Frankie B. Washington

What does it all mean?

Well, honestly, nothing. I want to use my blog to talk my truth, to address topics that seem interesting to me. To share my writing with a broader audience, and hopefully engage in fun discussions and writing all at the same time. To that end I decided to grab the laptop, open up my website and type this little ditty to say hello, how are you dear readers?

What does March look like for you? Are you excited that spring is coming? Are you freaking out about the cornoavirus (I admit to feeling some fear about it, mostly because the husband and I have a con coming up, ACE Comic Con if you’re in the area)? Are you desperatly waiting for the 2020 Election to be here and done? Are you ready for Trump to be out of office (good goddess I hope so)?

Or are you hoping for a fun blog from yours truly? I won’t be so egotistical to even assume that, but rest assured, one is coming. It’s just taking a wee bit longer (as I have to start it) than I expected.

So, hi, hello, you are so good looking. I look forward to blogging with you soon friends and readers, and I hope that March treats you well.

Shadow says hello, and looks decidely unimpresed with her writer human.

Published by jessicaleemetcalf

JL Metcalf lives in the Ocean State with her artist husband Frankie, and their artistic black cat Shadow. She one day hopes to live in a Hobbit Hole surrounded by her friends and family in the Shire making jams and jellies, while also writing many leather-bound books. She has self-published four novels: The Last Daughter of Lilith, Coming Undone: Musings on Life, Love and Hobbits, Menagerie of the Weird, and the sequel to Last Daughter of Lilith, called Dawn Seed. JL can be found on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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  1. You hit the bull’s eye regarding writing/blogging becoming a chore when you feel pressed. Don’t worry about your dear readers. We’ll take it as it comes.
    I always enjoy your posts whenever they arrive.
    “Hello” right back at Shadow.
    Until your ready…..


    1. Connie, thank you for the always kind words. I truly cannot appreciate them enough! Shadow says hello as she sits beside me purring away – she and my husband have been most excellent nurses as I recuperate from my knee surgery. 🙂

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